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Ballgowns. Tutus. Tiaras.
A Fairytale Boutique
We are proud stockists of The Fairy Family, Build-a-Bear and Thumbelina Bliss. You can visit the Emporium or order online and receive home delivery via our virtual shop THE EMPORIUM ONLINE
Mondays ~ 10am - 2:00pm
Tuesdays ~ 10am - 2:00pm
Wednesdays ~ CLOSED
Thursdays ~ 10am - 2:00pm
Fridays ~ 10am - 2:00pm
Saturdays ~ Open for Private Parties
Sundays ~ Open for Private Parties
Please note that we have minimised our stock in the Fairytale Boutique (our ground floor shop) to make extra space for our clubs and private parties. You are still more than welcome to pop in to the Emporium during our shop hours, and browse the selection of stock we keep here in the Fairytale Boutique. If you require a custom made dress or a size we don't presently have in our shop, we are always more than happy to discuss your requirements and order directly for you.

Fairytale Inspired Clothing

Frozen Inspired Tee

Anna Coronation Dress

Fairytale Inspired Clothing
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